Sunday, May 23, 2010

Funky Hats!

I've been making funky hats from the book, "Get Your Crochet On! Hip Hats & Cool Caps", by Afya Ibomu.

It's an awesome book! You can get it on Amazon.

I've been making hats for my "Funky Hat Awards" that I have been presenting to those exibiting "Excellence or Achievement in being so Funky". I will post those later. Usually I'm making hats for humanitarian projects.

The sizes in "Hip Hats" are for adults, but I've been goofing with modifying the pattern for a baby hat. Here are two baby hats I made so far from modifying the pattern. I'm still figuring out how to correctly modify the pattern for an infant. These would fit a 6 month old, or one very large stuffed gorilla as you can see.

I make a lot of humanitarian baby hats, so I'm trying to come up with a more "hip" humanitarian baby hat because everyone knows that babies around the world need hip hats to go with their soggy diapers.

Here's some more hats and booties.

These are my curly top hats from my last batch of humanitarian hats from an apple/pumpkin hat pattern on etsy I modified to add a long top-knot.

Here's the link to the top-knot hat patttern on etsy that I purchased.

Here's a link to the above bootie pattern. It's free.

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